Iswift mac
Iswift mac

iswift mac

Let platformExpert = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice") ) This all works together to make building iOS and Mac apps easier and safer than ever before. Adding a single character can replace what used to be an entire line of code in Objective-C.


Retrieves the serial number of your mac device. Understanding and properly handling cases where objects are nil is fundamental to the frameworks, and Swift code makes this extremely easy. The following method getMacSerialNumber can be added into your code in order to obtain the mentioned code: /** Lets set up SwiftWasm on the latest macOS. If the application that you are developing needs to know this serial for some reason, there's a pretty simple way to obtain the serial number in your Swift code. But we are already able to get Swift code executed in a Wasm runtime (e.g. It's pretty easy to find the serial number in your mac, you just need to click on the Apple menu icon at the top of the screen and select "About this mac" and the information about your mac will appear on the screen (processor, Ram etc). Your Mac's serial number, is a unique identifier string that makes it different from all others, this serial is used when requesting warranty service, for reports etc.

Iswift mac